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Books I Reviewed That Best Exposed My Marketing Issues

If you have spent anytime at all studying for your Marketing mix examination then I want to congratulate you on that. For those of you who don’t study you may find this news to be somewhat disturbing. While no one really prepares for such tests, it is important to understand what they are in order to take my test for me. In fact I just ordered two different books geared toward Marketing and Sales with the following titles, Price Your Product and How To Get People To Buy From You!

Price Your Product: How To Get People To Buy From You And Why They Should! By Phil Hutchinson Price Your Product will help you develop a solid understanding of the concept behind pricing and promotions in the competitive arena. There are several different topics covered in this book from determining the right price point for your product, knowing your ideal customer profile, finding key distributors and how to test your advertising. It is a quick read with plenty of examples.

The second book to take my examination for me is titled Understanding Sales and Marketing Statistics by Alan K. Dobson. This text is an excellent introduction to the subject matter and goes into much more depth discussing specific topics including demographics, marketing plans, researching your market, financial statements, customer analysis and many other important concepts. If you have issues with pricing and promotion in the marketing mix then this is the text for you.

Selling Quality Products and Services: A Practical Guide by Paul C. Dobson is another quick read with a lot of practical advice and ideas for maximizing your sales and marketing mix. In addition to Price Your Product and How To Get People To Buy From You this book provides a good background understanding of the marketing mix as well. This text covers the full range of topics related to pricing and promotion in the marketing mix. There are chapters on product creation, pricing, promotions, and marketing plans. This book is a great reference for anyone new to the topic.

The third text, I would definitely check out if you are looking for pricing and promotion in the marketing mix is The Complete Textbook of Price-tuning and Promotion by John J. Di Lemme. This text provides a basic understanding of pricing and a look at the marketing mix. It also goes into more depth discussing topics like demographics, testing and evaluating, advertising plans, and much more. If you are struggling with any of these topics, this is a great place to start.

The fourth text, I would definitely take my examination for me if I was having issues with marketing mix is The Comprehensive Guide to Promotions and Pricing by Jennifer Widmann. This text provides a very thorough look at all of the factors that go into determining your marketing mix. It includes chapter themes like “A Four-Step Marketing Process,” which examines four factors and how you can apply them to your own marketing mix. This text is also rich with case studies and real life experiences that provide additional insight. As always, Jennifer Widman provides great tips and advice throughout each chapter.

The fifth and final book I would take my exam for me if I was having issues with my marketing mix is Price-unerating Customer Marketing by Bethany K. Smith. Smith provides a very thorough look at how to set up a good marketing plan and implement it. She also goes into the nuts and bolts of pricing and offers case studies of her own. This book is really well done and goes into the finer details of how to properly price products so you can earn more profit.

As you can see, there are a lot of helpful books on marketing and money in my list of The Price-unerating Books for Marketers I’ve Reviewed. Some of these books have really caught my attention. Others, though I found a little too advanced or complicated for my taste. There’s bound to be at least five books on the five topics I have looked at that cover the topics I am dealing with in my own marketing. Which topic are you most concerned about? Take my survey and find out!

Books I Reviewed That Best Exposed My Marketing Issues
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