You need to make preparation for the exam a top priority. You have to find out what areas of mathematics you need to master so that you can be ready when the test is approaching. You can search for sample questions from past exams online or get some suggested questions from a college. It is really good if you can find a local college that offers sample tests before you enter college.
You also need to keep track of the times you have set for the exam. This is important so that you can track how much time you have so you know how much rest you have to get. If you cannot sleep well at night, then you better get enough sleep. You might want to also bring chocolates because caffeine will make you feel more alert.
When you sit down to take the exam, always try to find a quiet place to work. In fact, working around classmates will not make for a good environment as you will inevitably be tempted to do too much in class. It would be better if you could study alone.
Before you start answering questions, make sure that you understand the question completely. If you cannot answer the question based on the material given to you, then you will just waste your time. You cannot expect to pass if you cannot answer even the most basic question on the syllabus. For this reason, you need to read the question before hand and make sure you understand it. If you cannot answer the question based on the given information, then you may need to spend some more time on studying the material.
It might be tempting to use your friends and family members for help in mastering the course. However, this is not the best idea because most students who are preparing for their college entrance exam are smart students and do not need help. Instead of asking your friends and family members, you should consider hiring a tutor. A tutor can surely make a huge difference in your chances of passing the exam. You will not only learn from your tutor, but your tutor will also pass on the tips he or she has learned from his or her master.
The last tip is to pay someone to work with you on the exam. Although you cannot afford to hire a tutor, it is still a good idea to have somebody by your side to help you out in the exam. However, you need to find someone you feel comfortable with. Remember that you will be spending more time with this person than with your tutor. If you cannot find anybody you like, you can even pay someone to work as your assistant during the test period.
On the other hand, if you don’t have any extra cash to work with, you can always work on your algebra textbook. This way, you will be able to study for the exam without having to spend money on the materials. You can choose any textbook that you want to work with. If you cannot find any algebra textbook that you feel comfortable with, you can buy algebra textbooks from the bookstore to give yourself a breather.